“SSOOOK Let Me Fit Project”
A project to make dog clothes that fit my dog breed
SSOOOK has been working hard for a long time
to make clothes and supplies that are more
suitable for my breed of dog.
SSOOOK is trying to develop a dog clothes
making project for each dog breed together with you.
Wearing French bulldog 'Noori'
AirCoverall BLACK L
Weight: 16.5(lbs) 7.5kg
Chest: 1.6(fts) 49cm
Length: 0.8(fts) 25cm
Clothes Size: L
Wearing French bulldog 'ZOZO'
AirCoverall OliveGreen XL
Wearing French bulldog 'ZOZO'
AirCoverall Beige XL

Wearing Dachshund 'DAXY'
Air CoveRall Beige XL ANd Air Coverall YELLOW XL

Wearing Dachshund 'Rina'
Air Coverall PINK L
The leg length was wrapped
once or twice with a dog bandage.